Club's Calendar

Mounties Fishing Club

We meet every second last Wednesday of each month, come and join us to discover the fun and reward of fishing. Please call Warren Rankin on 9600 8061 for more information.

New members can complete the membership form before coming to the meeting, you can download this form here.

Members wishing to send photos for web publication, please email the web master.

Meeting dates for 2012-13 calendar:

18 July, 2012 (Annual General Meeting, I will be at the meeting room from 7pm to start processing membership renewal please be there early to renew your MFC membership. Only financial members will be eligible for voting)
22 August, 2012
19 September, 2012
24 October, 2012
21 November, 2012
12 December, 2012
<== Note new date
23 January, 2013
20 February, 2013
20 March, 2013
17 April, 2013
22 May, 2013
19 June, 2013

We are also on facebook:

Cod walloped - and other names besides

Kelly Burke Consumer Affairs Reporter
May 7, 2007

RED SNAPPER, blue eye cod and deep sea perch will be extinct within the next two months. The demise of hundreds of other varieties of fish will also take place over the coming months - but in name only.

After 20 years of research and negotiation, the seafood industry is in the final stages of standardising the names for almost 3000 commercial species of fish. By the end of the year, consumers - regardless of their state - should be able to sort their skate from their flake and their hake.

Ted Loveday, the managing director of Seafood Services Australia, says the confusion over fish names, which began as early as the 1920s, is threatening consumer confidence in the multi-billion dollar seafood industry, and impeding Australia's participation in the international market.

By midyear blue eye cod will no longer be a cod, nor will red snapper be a snapper: blue eye trevalla and Bight redfish will make their debut instead. Mahi mahi will replace the difficult-to-market dolphin fish, while deep sea perch will be officially known as orange roughy.

Mr Loveday said the industry had finally reached a "99 per cent agreement on 99 per cent of the names". But he conceded re-educating the public would be a gradual process.

Fishmongers at the Sydney Fish Market yesterday were less enthusiastic about the new standard names.

"I will keep selling this as deep sea perch, not orange roughy, because this is what my customers know it as," said Tony Tsiklas, manager of Claudio's. "Sure, people can get confused sometimes, but why should we confuse them further?

"Snapper is snapper, no matter what the colour and we're not going to change that," said Marcus Deposito, manager of De Costi Seafoods.

Gesturing to a haul of red spot whiting, Mr Deposito said he was sceptical that the fish's new name - eastern school whiting - would catch on. But he conceded that the industry would eventually have to comply with the new name standard.

"We haven't got a choice, we'll have to change," he said. "We'll probably put the old name in brackets … bring it in slowly, and make sure it's user-friendly."

The Sydney Fish Market's supply manager, Gus Dannoun, said a lot of the names had "just been given by locals or by very creative retailers over the years".

Can't find deep sea bream? Try looking for morwong instead. And jewfish? Only if it's been caught in northern Queensland, Mr Dannoun said. "If it's local, then it's probably mulloway."

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

Mount Pritchard Fishing Club - Rules of the Club

The rules and aims set out below are to be used in conjunction with MPCC Sub Club Constitution

The aim of the MPCC Fishing Club, run by an elected committee, is to ensure that the club is run in an efficient, fair and sports like manner, promoting fishing, both social and competitive among its members and with other clubs, placing particular emphasis on fostering juniors in the sport.

Types of fishing, at this stage, will be limited to two categories and are as follows:

  1. Rock and Beach, and
  2. Charter Boat

Within each category there are to be male and female divisions as follows;

  1. Junior members [under 18 years] -- Champion and Runner Up
  2. Adult members [18 - 55 years] -- Champion and Runner Up
  3. Veteran members [56 years and older] -- Champion and Runner Up

The rules listed below are aimed at being fair, clear and concise, covering trip selection, club and inter club competition, rules of fishing and conduct while on club activities.

Every member should familiarize themselves with the rules to avoid conflict before it arises, so that we may all enjoy ourselves.

RULE 1: On charter boat trips, crews are to be decided at the monthly meetings.

RULE 2: If a trip is oversubscribed, a ballot is to be conducted to decide the final crew.

RULE 3: Balloting for seats on the trips, is to be as follows;

  1. Juniors and their supervisors for the trip are exempted from the ballot
  2. Members subscribing to more than one trip in that calendar month are to be automatically balloted off the oversubscribed trip but cannot be balloted out of the second trip and will have immunity from a ballot on their first choice trip the following month.
  3. Members who are unfinancial will be automatically balloted off.
  4. Financial members in attendance at the meeting shall have priority over all members not in attendance.
  5. Members who send an apology can only apply for any vacancy left and shall have priority over non financial members and visitors.
  6. Visitors can only fill vacancies when there are insufficient members to fill the trip.
  7. Members with juniors who have automatic trip selection cannot substitute another person if they or the junior are unable to attend. The vacancy is to be first offered to the trip reserves.
  8. Juniors must be accompanied on the trip and controlled and supervised by an adult person. It will be mandatory that the adult be a family member.

RULE 4: Fishing positions on the boat are to be decided by drawing numbers.

  1. Juniors will automatically take the first chance at drawing a number and their parent will be allocated the seat next to the junior.
  2. Members wishing to change positions because of the type of equipment may only do so, if the other party mutually consents.
  3. Changing positions on the boat once fishing has commenced, is not permitted without consent of the Trip captain , who, in consultation with the boat skipper, agrees that conditions ( currents/tangles) warrants a change and that the majority of adult members do not object.
  4. In the event of a deadlock on a vote the trip captain shall have the casting vote.

RULE 5: The boat will be required to wait for ten (10) minutes past normal departure time for latecomers. The trip sheet is to be noted accordingly by trip captain.


  1. Not more than two single hooks will be permitted on any rig. (Note, Ganged hooks and Trebles are not to be used as they contribute to tangles
  2. Wire traces may be permitted if it is imminent that heavy loss of tackle will occur due to the prevalence of Leatherjackets ( the decision to allow, will be made by consultation with the Boat Skipper and the Captain of the Day).
  3. No three way swivels are to be used.
  4. All main lines are to be fitted with a snap swivel release (This will aid in the sorting of tangles and speed up the process)
  5. Fish enticement devices such as beads, coloured tubing, artificial baits and scents may be used provided that they are legal and that such devices do not contribute to tangles.
  6. Squid jigs will be permitted, but will count as one hook. Because of their design, they contribute to tangles and if this occurs, they must be removed immediately and without argument.
  7. Sinkers must be a minimum weight of one pound (454 grams) equivalent.

(1) If conditions are such that a lighter weight can be used, it can only be done with a majority vote.

(2) Members should carry a small supply of the lesser weights for when this situation arises.

RULE 7: The rules for rock and beach shall be the same as FCA rules, unless advised otherwise.

RULE 8: The rules for point score on charter boats competition are as follows:

  1. The point score competition shall commence from the first trip on or after 1July.
  2. Members can only compete for points in this category once each calendar month.
  3. Each member must notify the trip captain of their intention to fish for points prior to the commencement of fishing.
  4. If the weather is unsuitable for fishing, a majority vote of the adult members must be taken and recorded on the trip sheet prior to 9.30 am. that the competition was aborted at sea.
  5. If there is a mechanical failure on board the vessel which prevents the members from fishing their normal trip duration, then the point score for that trip will be cancelled.
  6. If the trip is cancelled prior to leaving the harbor because of bad weather or reasons listed in rule 8 sub paras d. and e., members will be eligible to fish in the point score competition on a catch up trip provided it is done within three (3) months of the cancelled trip.
  7. Fish caught on trips affected by conditions outlined in Rule 8, sub paras d, and e, will be still eligible for Fish of the Year and species but do not count in the point score.
  8. Members who enter the point score competition will be eligible to count their best eight (8) trips only, towards the championship.

(1) Catch up trips for annual point score must be taken prior to 30 June in order to count in point score.

(2) In the event of a tied score (best 8 trips) then those persons involved in the Tie will have a count back on the best Nine (9) trips to decide the winner, If still tied then best Ten, Etc and so on until a winner has been decided.

  1. The cut off date for the annual point score shall be the last trip in June.

RULE 9: Weighing of fish.

  1. All fish to be weighed in are to be gutted, gilled and de-roed but not necessarily scaled.
  2. All fish must comply with State regulations in regard to minimum size.
  3. A mutilated fish may be weighed in provided that the remnants meet the minimum length for that species. No allowance is to be made for loss of weight due to mutilation.
  4. Fish in excess of bag limit cannot be weighed in.
  5. Where no bag limit exists, a maximum of twenty (20) of the same species can only be weighed.

RULE 10: All species listed on our club trips sheet will be eligible to be weighed in regardless of their classification, provided that the following criteria are met;

  1. The line must be rigged for bottom bouncing, i.e. maximum two hooks and minimum one pound sinker.
  2. The line must be in freefall mode, with only sufficient pressure of the hands to prevent overrun while travelling to the bottom.
  3. Stopping or slowing the descent of the line other than for the purpose of removing tangles or overruns will be considered as cheating and any fish caught in this manner will not be eligible to be weighed in.
  4. Jigging will not be permitted in the point score competition .
  5. Fish caught on the retrieve of the line from the bottom shall be eligible to be counted regardless of when they strike the line.

NOTE: Dolphin Fish, King Fish, Bonito etc, are classified as a PELAGIC species (Surface Fish ) and will only count in the point score if all the criteria of Rule 10 is adhered to.

RULE 11: All fish caught are to be kept in separate containers for each member and visitor until after the weigh in has been completed.

RULE 12: All persons fishing on the boat, including visitors , must abide by the club rules of fishing, even if they are not fishing for points, so as to be fair to those members who are actively competing on the day.

RULE 13: No person shall be permitted to carry on board the vessel, more than six (6) stubbies or the equivalent in alcoholic beverage.

RULE 14: Visitors on trips are the responsibility of the member who invited them and they will be liable for all expenses incurred by the club for that trip, should their visitor fail to show. Members should also make their visitors aware of the club rules on board the boat.

RULE 15: It is the members responsibility to notify the club captain, at the time of booking their trip as to their requirements for bait and sinkers from the club supply. A fee for supply applies.

RULE 16: The Captain of the day is responsible for the following:

  1. Collection of club scales, trip sheets, bait and sinkers (for resale) prior to the trip and also the cheque for payment for the charter boat.
  2. Collecting trip fees from members and their visitors on board the boat and recording the fees and sales on the trip sheet.
  3. Recording all fish caught on the trip and writing a brief statement on the days activities.
  4. Conduct the official weigh in of the catch and record results on the trip sheet.
  5. Return all club equipment, together with the receipt for the cheque, trip sheets and monies collected, to the committee for banking and trip sheets for recording

RULE 17: All members on board are eligible to compete for the biggest fish of the year and the biggest bag of the month regardless of how many trips for the month and regardless of not being in the point score competition.

RULE 18: Conduct.

Misconduct or un sports like behaviour will not be tolerated. Offenders may be suspended from the club and all associated activities, temporarily or permanently at the discretion of the Executive committee.

RULE 19: Members providing transport for other members to our fishing venues are responsible to ensure that transport is provided for the return journey.

RULE 20: Members of MPCC Fishing Club who are also members of other fishing clubs, must choose which club they will represent, prior to the commencement of any Inter club competition. Once the choice has been made it cannot be changed until after the competition has been completed.

Failure to comply with this rule will result in suspension or termination of membership at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

RULE 21: Members who troll on the way to the reef will not be required to share their fish . The boat will not be required to slow or stop to boat the fish.

RULE 22: Delegates of the Fishing Club must attend Sub Club meetings in accordance with the “ Mother Club” rules, and report back to the committee and members.

RULE 23: The club secretary is responsible to inform the “Mother Club” in writing of the Champion and Runner up in each division in ample time for their awards to be made at the Sports Club Presentation.

RULE 24: The points recorder is to record all fishing trips and provide updates and progressive scores at the monthly meetings.

RULE 25: Selection for Inter club competitions will be made from the leading competitors in in the point score competition at the time of the meeting. If only five (5) are required then they are to be the top five with reserves being selected from the next five (5) highest placed competitors.

RULE 26: The Stan Miles Trophy, when awarded , will be decided upon by the Committee.

RULE 27: All Adult and Veteran members of the Fishing club must be financial members of the Mother Club (MPCC) and Fishing Club to vote at AGM. The Financial year commences 1 Jul and ends 30 Jun for the Fishing Club.

Juniors are exempted from this rule.

RULE 28: Members found cheating in any way, will have their points, trophies and club membership cancelled for one complete season.

RULE 29: Changes to rules affecting point scoring can only be made at the completion of the season.

RULE 30: Resolutions approved at the club meetings shall only be valid until the next AGM. Any such resolution which is to be of a permanent nature should be incorporated in the constitution at the AGM.

RULE 31: Life Members who fail to participate in at least Four meetings or fishing trips per Financial Year will have their voting rights suspended and will not be eligible to vote until after they have attended two consecutive meetings, that is , they are eligible to vote at their third attendance.

RULE 32: Ordinary Members who are absent for three consecutive meetings without an Apology will have their voting rights removed and these voting rights will only be restored after the member has attended Three (3) consecutive meetings.

RULE 33: Members who fail to give 48 hours notice of their intended cancellation of a previously booked trip, will be liable for the cost of the trip in full.

( Suggest amend section of Rule 8 relating to catch up trips along these lines)

If a member has an entitlement to fish a catch up trip, then the next trip the member is booked on is to be automatically counted as the catch up trip.

If a member has booked two or more trips for the month, the first trip shall automatically count as the catch up trip entitlement and the second trip is to count as the normal monthly point score trip.

Failure to weigh in on the first of the trips will negate their entitlement to the award of points for the catch up trip and failure to weigh in on the second trip will negate the award of points for that month.

(This should make it a little easier in keeping tabs on catch up trips)

Amend rule, to read Juniors under 16 to be accompanied.

Final 2007-2008 Competition Results


Champion: F Mazzaferro
Runner Up: B Harris

Adult Women (under 55 years)
Champion: M Sechi

Adult Men (under 55 years)
Champion: V Lam
Runner Up: A Nellems

Veteran Men (over 55 years)
Champion: B Razmovski
Runner Up: H Tepesh

Best Of 8 Trips

Name Points
1. B Razmovski 813.25
2. H Tepesh 730.27
3. G Logozzo 727.67
4. S Levanic 670.21
5. V Lam 529.16
6. A Nellems 491.25
7. J Ariti 474.2
8. P Anastasi 456.35
9. C Huynh 435.43
10. R Qualticri 419.5
11. D Didic 388.38
12. D Harris 373.79
13. M Sechi 236.06
14. B Shorten 227.74
15. R MacKenzie 222.19
16. S Kucharski 208.12
17. V Cantarella 200.78
18. R Karlo 168.85
19. P Burkhardt 142.76
20. M Camdzie 123.31
21. S Kuk 123.06
22. J Logozzo 120.78
23. J Pakulski 117.7
24. D Ming 111.54
25. M Ayoub 84.66
26. F Romeo 82.91
27. T Noble 65.68
28. C Meza 56.32
29. K Bowler 51.95
30. R Saez 47.49
31. C O'Rourke 45.1
32. J Pietak 38.35
33. M Yacoub 32.2
34. F Mazzaferro (jnr) 29.46
35. A Lotfi 19.69
36. B Harris (jnr) 18.96
37. A Lotfi (Jnr) 17.93
38. A Chow 16.06

Biggest Bag

Month Date Name Weight Port
July, 07 01/07/07 B Razmovski 9.25 Kiama
August, 07 25/08/07 V Lam 4.83 Wollongong
September, 07 02/09/07 H Tepesh 5.8 Kiama
October, 07 07/10/07 B Razmovski 10.6 Kiama
November, 07 18/11/07 B Razmovski 11.19 Kiama
December, 07 16/12/07 C Huynh 7.97 Kiama
January, 08 06/01/08 H Tepesh 14.2 Kiama
February, 08 17/02/08 R Karlo 15.35 Kiama
March, 08 16/03/08 P Anastasi 16.97 Kiama
April, 08 06/04/08 G Logozzo 11.83 Kiama
May, 08 04/05/08 V Lam 10.54 Kiama
June, 08 08/06/08 M Sechi 4.48 Wollongong

Biggest Fish

Month Date Name Species Weight Port
July, 07 01/07/07 B Razmovski morwong 1.58 Kiama
August, 07 05/08/07 R MacKenzie leatherjacket 0.91 Kiama
September, 07 02/09/07 H Tepesh Morwie 1.18 Kiama
October, 07 07/10/07 P Anastasi Leatherjacket 1.21 Kiama
November, 07 04/11/07 H Tepesh Flathead 1.19 Kiama
December, 07 02/12/07 J Logozzo Flathead 1.55 Kiama
January, 08 20/01/08 J Logozzo morwong 1.31 Kiama
February, 08 17/02/08 R Karlo Flathead 1.55 Kiama
March, 08 16/03/08 P Anastasi Leatherjacket 1.73 Kiama
April, 08 13/04/08 M Sechi flathead 1.45 Wollongong
May, 08 04/05/08 P Anastasi Leatherjacket 1.06 Kiama
June, 08 01/06/08 R Tanner Morwong 2.6 Kiama

Monthly Reports:
Click on Report or Mirror to view or download.

July, 2007. Report, Mirror
August, 2007. Report, Mirror
Septermber, 2007. Report, Mirror
October, 2007. Report, Mirror
November, 2007. Report not available
December, 2007. Report, Mirror
January, 2008. Report, Mirror
Febuary, 2008. Report, Mirror
March, 2008. Report, Mirror
April, 2008. Report, Mirror
May, 2008. Report, Mirror
June, 2008. Report, Mirror

15 June 2008

Trip date Sunday, 15 June, 2008
Port Kiama
Boat Seaker
Trip report Cancelled by skipper

8 June 2008

Trip date Sunday, 8 June, 2008
Port Wollongong
Boat Aquila
Captain/Assistant R Hadsic/ M Sechi
Trip report Fished the 30s up north in rainy conditions. Despite the gloomy weather not a bad day fishing with catches of 1 flathead, 28 leatherjackets, 6 morwong, 3 pigfish, 18 snapper, 3 sweep, 1 bream, and 7 sgt baker. Biggest fish of the day 1.03kg morwong caufht by Bob Shorten.
Biggest fish Morwong weighing 1.03 kg caught by B Shorten

1 June 2008

Trip date Sunday, 1 June, 2008
Port Kiama
Boat Seaker
Captain/Assistant Tony Neskovski/A Nellems
Trip report Nobydy weighed in. 19 Morwong, 4 snapper, 30 sweep, 1 sgt baker, 2 nannygai, 4 pigfish, 1 leatherjacket
Biggest fish Morwong weighing 2.60 kg caught by R Tanner