This is a website for everyone who loves deep sea fishing.
Club's Calendar
Mounties Fishing Club
We meet every second last Wednesday of each month, come and join us to discover the fun and reward of fishing. Please call Warren Rankin on 9600 8061 for more information.
New members can complete the membership form before coming to the meeting, you can download this form here.
Members wishing to send photos for web publication, please email the web master.
Meeting dates for 2012-13 calendar: 18 July, 2012 (Annual General Meeting, I will be at the meeting room from 7pm to start processing membership renewal please be there early to renew your MFC membership. Only financial members will be eligible for voting) 22 August, 2012 19 September, 2012 24 October, 2012 21 November, 2012 12 December, 2012 <== Note new date 23 January, 2013 20 February, 2013 20 March, 2013 17 April, 2013 22 May, 2013 19 June, 2013