Club's Calendar
Mounties Fishing Club
We meet every second last Wednesday of each month, come and join us to discover the fun and reward of fishing. Please call Warren Rankin on 9600 8061 for more information.
New members can complete the membership form before coming to the meeting, you can download this form here.
Members wishing to send photos for web publication, please email the web master.
Meeting dates for 2012-13 calendar:
18 July, 2012 (Annual General Meeting, I will be at the meeting room from 7pm to start processing membership renewal please be there early to renew your MFC membership. Only financial members will be eligible for voting)
22 August, 2012
19 September, 2012
24 October, 2012
21 November, 2012
12 December, 2012 <== Note new date
23 January, 2013
20 February, 2013
20 March, 2013
17 April, 2013
22 May, 2013
19 June, 2013
We are also on facebook:
New members can complete the membership form before coming to the meeting, you can download this form here.
Members wishing to send photos for web publication, please email the web master.
Meeting dates for 2012-13 calendar:
18 July, 2012 (Annual General Meeting, I will be at the meeting room from 7pm to start processing membership renewal please be there early to renew your MFC membership. Only financial members will be eligible for voting)
22 August, 2012
19 September, 2012
24 October, 2012
21 November, 2012
12 December, 2012 <== Note new date
23 January, 2013
20 February, 2013
20 March, 2013
17 April, 2013
22 May, 2013
19 June, 2013
We are also on facebook:
December's meeting is moved to an earlier date
Due to the scheduled monthly subclub meeting being too close to Christmas, 23rd is Christmas eve's eve ;-), it's been decided that the meeting is to be held a week earlier, on 16 December 2009.
The venue is the dart/table tennis room, you may recall we had meeting at this location from the past.
The venue is the dart/table tennis room, you may recall we had meeting at this location from the past.
Mingara Fishing Club Fishing Tournament
Some of you may have received the information about the above tournament. We need to register our interest by 11 December 2009.
Each team is limited to a maximum of 10 people so places are limited. Please contact Maria by email,
, or call her mobile on 0438 613 066 by 7 December to register your interest.
Each team is limited to a maximum of 10 people so places are limited. Please contact Maria by email,
Amended MFC rules
At the Special General Meeting on 23 September 2009, the majority of members voted to change rule 6e, it is now should be:
No fish enticements are permitted, this includes, but is not limited to, beads, coloured tubing, scents, soft plastics, hard bodied lures and other artificial baits.
The updated version of this rule can be downloaded here.
No fish enticements are permitted, this includes, but is not limited to, beads, coloured tubing, scents, soft plastics, hard bodied lures and other artificial baits.
The updated version of this rule can be downloaded here.
20 September 2009
We couldn't ask for better conditions. Fished out in the 60's for 89 good size leatherjackets, 1 hussar, 4 morwies, 11 tiger flatties & 1 snapper. Biggest fish 1.35 kg leatherjacket caught by D Harris.
13 September 2009
Greeted by a gusty North Westerly which eventually subdued however did not improving the fishing. Day resulted in catches of 1 leatherjacket, 14 morwies, 1 pigfish, 4 snappers & numerous 2 pointers. A couple of good fish lost to "Sammy" the seal. Biggest fish 1.54 kg morwie caught by George Mifsud.
6 September 2009
Fished out wide in the 60's fathoms, all fishos had a good day, for catches of 36 tiger flatties, 92 leatherjackets, 1 hussar, 4 morwies, 2 piggies & 1 snapper. Biggest fish by K Bowler 1.50 kg flathead. Well done Kevin baby!
Mounties Presentation Dinner 23rd October 2009
Please be advised that at the Mother Club's presentation night on 23rd October 2009, Bill Razmovski will be awarded the life membership of the Mounties Fishing Club, as well as being nominated to be the Sport Person of the Year.
Please show your support to Bill by attending this presentation dinner night, you and your partner will enjoy a great night with your fellow members.
As we have to notify the Mother Club about the number of people attending this dinner soon, this coming meeting on Wednesday, 23 September 2009, is the last chance you can put your name down in this list.
Please mark down 23rd October as the day to support Bill as well as the club, the more presence we have on the night, the stronger publicity we'll gain for the fishing club.
Please show your support to Bill by attending this presentation dinner night, you and your partner will enjoy a great night with your fellow members.
As we have to notify the Mother Club about the number of people attending this dinner soon, this coming meeting on Wednesday, 23 September 2009, is the last chance you can put your name down in this list.
Please mark down 23rd October as the day to support Bill as well as the club, the more presence we have on the night, the stronger publicity we'll gain for the fishing club.
Photos from Mounties Fishing Club Presentation night, 29 August 2009
Original high resolution photos can be downloaded from links below:
MFC Presentation (87 MB)
MFC Presentation (80 MB)
Special General Meeting
Please be advised of the Special General Meeting to be held on 23 September 2009 (before the monthly sub club meeting).
Amendment rule 6e:
Fish enticement devices such as beads, coloured tubing, artificial baits and scents may be used provided that they are legal and that such devices do not contribute to tangles.
Amendment rule 6e:
Fish enticement devices such as beads, coloured tubing, artificial baits and scents may be used provided that they are legal and that such devices do not contribute to tangles.
16 August 2009
9 August 2009
Headed out to the 50's, but no drift. 7 fishos resulted in a days catch of 2 leatherjackets, 19 morwies, 2 pigfish, 2 snappers, and numerous 2 pointers. Biggest fish of the day 0.87kg pigfish caught by Carlo Meza.
2 August 2009
10 fishos out in the 60 fathoms. Weather conditions near perfect but fish not biting. Catches of 10 morwies, 16 leatherjackets, 1 snapper, 2 hussars & 12 good size nannys, some 2 pointers. Biggest fish 1.47kg nannygai caught by Steve Cefai.
2009 Interclub Competion Results
First: Mounties Fishing Club, 610.5 points
Second: Marconi Fishing Club, 228.7 points
Third: Bankstown Fishing Club, 199.4 points
First: Bill Razmovski (Mounties) on 15/3/09, 11.22 kg
Second: Bill Razmovski (Mounties) on 17/5/09, 7.67 kg
Third: Chelso Canovo (Marconi) on 17/5/09, 6.64 kg
First: Robert Firmani (Marconi) on 17/5/09, 1.39 kg leatherjacket
Second: Bill Razmovski (Mounties) on 15/3/09, 1.14 kg leatherjacket
Third: Vide Sobic (Bankstown) on 21/6/09, 1.12 kg morwong
Congratulations to all winners!
First: Mounties Fishing Club, 610.5 points
Second: Marconi Fishing Club, 228.7 points
Third: Bankstown Fishing Club, 199.4 points
First: Bill Razmovski (Mounties) on 15/3/09, 11.22 kg
Second: Bill Razmovski (Mounties) on 17/5/09, 7.67 kg
Third: Chelso Canovo (Marconi) on 17/5/09, 6.64 kg
First: Robert Firmani (Marconi) on 17/5/09, 1.39 kg leatherjacket
Second: Bill Razmovski (Mounties) on 15/3/09, 1.14 kg leatherjacket
Third: Vide Sobic (Bankstown) on 21/6/09, 1.12 kg morwong
Congratulations to all winners!
Annual General Meeting - 22 July 2009
The AGM was held at 8:30 PM on 22 July 2009.
The following members were elected to the Fishing Club Committee for 2009-2010 term:
Executive committee members
President: Maria Sechi
Vice President: Bill Razmovski
Secretary: Warren Rankin
Treasurer: Vi Lam Non-executive committee members
Record Registrar: Col O'Rourke
Club Captain: Bill Razmovski
Sub Club Officers: Joe Ariti, Paul Burkardt, Maria Sechi.
New Members Coordinator: Stan Levanic We also voted Bill Razmovski to be the life member of MFC. Congratulations Bill!
The following members were elected to the Fishing Club Committee for 2009-2010 term:
Executive committee members
Vice President: Bill Razmovski
Secretary: Warren Rankin
Treasurer: Vi Lam
Club Captain: Bill Razmovski
Sub Club Officers: Joe Ariti, Paul Burkardt, Maria Sechi.
New Members Coordinator: Stan Levanic
19 July 2009
First up tried the 40 fathoms - windy condityions and strong current - poor results. Came in close for 2 reddies, 2 morwies, 2 piggies, 1 flathead, & heaps of 2 pointers. Biggest fish 1.01 kg morwie by C O'Rourke.
12 July 2009
Fished the 20's-30's of Stanwell Park, strong current. Catches of 21 leatherjackets, 3 morwies, 3 pigfish, 6 snapper, 13 sweep & numerous 2 pointers. Congratulations to 11 yr old Corey McKenzie's 1st deep sea trip, a keen angler who enjoyed his day out catching 2 leatherjackets & 1 sweep. Biggest fish of the day 0.97kg morwong caught by P Keough.
5 July 2009
Very cold and windy conditions 11 O'clock reef at 7 AM. Poor results for the first trip of the new season. catches of 11 reddies, 9 morwies, 2 piggies, 2 leatherjackets and heaps of sweeps and butcher things. biggest fish caught by M Djakovic 1.04 kg snapper. Jim Gauci best result 5 snappers.
True fish story
A guy who lives at Lake Conroe (50 miles north of Houston ) saw a ball ouncing around kind of strange in the lake and went to investigate.
It turned out to be a flathead catfish who had obviously tried to swallow a basketball which became stuck in its mouth!!
The fish was totally exhausted from trying to dive, but unable to because the ball would always bring him back up to the surface.
The guy tried numerous times to get the ball out, but was unsuccessful. He finally had his wife cut the ball in order to deflate it and release the hungry catfish.
You probably wouldn't have believed this, if you hadn't seen the following pictures...
Story contributed by MFC member Robert Tanner.
It turned out to be a flathead catfish who had obviously tried to swallow a basketball which became stuck in its mouth!!
The fish was totally exhausted from trying to dive, but unable to because the ball would always bring him back up to the surface.
The guy tried numerous times to get the ball out, but was unsuccessful. He finally had his wife cut the ball in order to deflate it and release the hungry catfish.
You probably wouldn't have believed this, if you hadn't seen the following pictures...
Annual General Meeting 22 July 2009
Please come to the meeting early, doors open at 7:00 PM, so you can renew your membership before the AGM. You need to be a member in order to vote at the AGM.
Your Mounties membership must be current before you can renew your Fishing Club membership.
I will be distributing your contact details on the AGM day so we can update the database at the same time, please make sure you update your mobile number, and provide at least another contact number (e.g. home phone) so we can contact your family in case of emergency.
We are also starting a email mailing list, please provide your email address for this purpose.
Your Mounties membership must be current before you can renew your Fishing Club membership.
I will be distributing your contact details on the AGM day so we can update the database at the same time, please make sure you update your mobile number, and provide at least another contact number (e.g. home phone) so we can contact your family in case of emergency.
We are also starting a email mailing list, please provide your email address for this purpose.
14 June 2009
A cold winter morning greeted us but favourable conditions to fish north in the 25's. "Sammy" turned up and made off with some nice fish. Day catch resulted in 10 leatherjackets, 9 morwies, 7 pigfish, 1 flathead, 11 snapper, 23 sweep, 1 rock cod, and maori wrasse. Biggest fish was shared between T Keough & K Bowler morwies at 1.02kg each.
7 June 2009
9 fishos went out to the 60 fathoms with high expectations as the conditions seemed to be very good for out wide. Plenty fish on the sounder but would not bite. Catches of 15 flatheads, 9 leatherjackets, 7 morwies, 3 piggies, 1 hussars & 2 good size nannygais. Biggest fish 0.83kg nannygai by new member (John) Paul Young.
New Members - May 2009
26 April 2009
Weather conditions unpreditable. We took vote to go out or not. Decision was made to go, for some good results: 2 leatherjackets, 1 hussars, 6 morwies, 7 piggies, 2 flatheads, 21 sweeps, and 10 butcher's pricks. Biggest fish 1.69 kg sgt baker by Romeo Saez.
New Members - April 2009
12 April 2009
5 April 2009
Fished out wide for some good catches - 167 leatherjackets, 2 hussars, 7 flatheads, 63 red fish (nannygai), 2 slimeys. All had a great day fishing especially Col and Kevin? Biggest fish 1.41 kg leatherjacket by Rifet Hadzic.
29 March, 2009
8 March 2009
1 March 2009
Fished out wide to perfect conditions, all enjoyed the day out especially Col O'Rouke and the junior B Harris. 84 leatherjackets, 5 flatheads, 45 nannies, 5 mowies, 2 hussars. Biggest fish by junior Brad Harris 1.06 kg leatherjacket.
Have you ever caught a barramundi this big?
These barramundi were left stranded under the spillway at lake Moondarra after recent flood in North Queensland.
Read more about them from the Courier Mail's news article.
Mounties fisho Robert Tanner sent us the following pictures.

Read more about them from the Courier Mail's news article.
Mounties fisho Robert Tanner sent us the following pictures.
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