Club's Calendar

Mounties Fishing Club

We meet every second last Wednesday of each month, come and join us to discover the fun and reward of fishing. Please call Warren Rankin on 9600 8061 for more information.

New members can complete the membership form before coming to the meeting, you can download this form here.

Members wishing to send photos for web publication, please email the web master.

Meeting dates for 2012-13 calendar:

18 July, 2012 (Annual General Meeting, I will be at the meeting room from 7pm to start processing membership renewal please be there early to renew your MFC membership. Only financial members will be eligible for voting)
22 August, 2012
19 September, 2012
24 October, 2012
21 November, 2012
12 December, 2012
<== Note new date
23 January, 2013
20 February, 2013
20 March, 2013
17 April, 2013
22 May, 2013
19 June, 2013

We are also on facebook:

December 2010 Results

Message from Col O'Rourke

To All members of Mounties Fishing Club

My wife Margaret who is known to many of the club members,  wishes to thank everyone for their kind thoughts, well wishes and generosity. She was moved by the number of members, particularly newer club members who she has not yet met, who wrote on the card wishing her well. I myself had a tear in my eye when I read the card and thank everyone for their support and the  Gift Voucher which was enclosed. We both wish you all the very best for the upcoming  festive season and hope that you all remain healthy.

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year  
to all members of the
Mounties Fishing Club

May the 2011 be another successful fishing season to all

19 December 2010

Conditions good for out wide started in the 60's for a lot of line and sinkers lost. Moved in to the 40's for result of 19 leatherjackets, 8 morwies, 4 flatties, 2 snappers. Biggest fish 0.98 snapper caught by G Ariti.

12 December 2010

Perfect weather conditions but no drift. went out to the 60's. Days catch resulted in 15 leatherjackets, 10 morwies, 3 flatheads, 1 snapper, 1 pike & numerous 5 pointers. Biggest fish of the day 1.60 kg morwong caught by Robert Calleja.

5 December 2010

Weather perfect for out wide started off in the 60's dead calm. Lost a lot of sinkers and line, small leatherjackets. Moved in the 40's for 27 leatherjackets, 8 morwies, 5 snappers, 2 flatheads, and heaps of 5 pointers. Biggest fish 1.59 kg stg baker by B Raz

21 November 2010

10 attended the trip. Weather was magic, unfortunately no current. About 10am wind came up then we started catching fish and everyone was happy. We had a great day & wished everyone was there to enjoy the experience. Biggest fish 1.58 kg flat head by Nick Samson.

New Members

This month we welcomed our latest members:

  • Marco Maltiello
  • Antonino Cucchiaro

14 November 2010

Fished the 50's of Stanwell Park, good weather, good drift - 3 metre swell. Day's catch resulted in 6 LJ, 17 morwong, 5 pigfish, 25 snapper, 7 sweep & numberous sgt bakers & maori wrasse. 3 visitors shared a good day fishing. J Pietak's brother taking home over 15 fish, John Dean 1 good size morwie & some sweep. Biggest fish of the day 3.44 kg groper caught by Peter Dean.

7 November 2010

Conditions good - straight out to the 60's for good size tiger flatties, leathers, morwies, piggies & bar code. catches of 58 LJ, 9 morwies, 19 tigers, 1 piggies & 1 bar code. Biggest fish 4.38 kg bar cod by Bill Raz.

Mingara Fishing Tournament

For those who did not attend the monthly club meeting on 20 August, Mingara Fishing Club has extended their invitation to our club once again this year.

All costs of the tournament is not subsidised by the MFC, it is to be covered by individual member.

Please contact me should you be interested in participating in this tournament, a team will be formed if we have enough number. You need to do this by Friday, 17 December 2010.

Below is the brochure of this tournament, and the letter of invitation from Shane Hawkins, President of Mingara Fishing Club.

Tournament Invite 2011.PDF

Fellow Anglers,

I am very pleased to be able to invite you to the annual Mingara Fishing
Tournament to be held on the weekend of 5th and 6th March, 2011 on the
Central Coast.

This years tournament (2010) was bigger and better than the previous year
and we are hoping to make next years better again. This year we saw some new teams competing who had never fished the waters of the Central Coast but walked away with some very impressive prizes. With the knowledge gained I am sure they will be better off for next year.

For those that have competed before we look forward to catching up and
hearing the ones that got away, for those newcomers, the tournament can be
best described as a good weekend with great prizes and great hospitality. I
also encourage you to forward this invitation to any other clubs you have
contact with.

Full details are in the attached invitation, so please read through the
information and should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact
Daniel or myself using the email address or our telephone numbers on the
invite. I would really appreciate a reply email to acknowledge receipt of
this invitation and possibly an indication of your club's possible intention
to enter the tournament or even when your club will next meet to discuss the
possibility of entering as per the voting buttons.

I need to emphasize that we are asking for registration and entry fees to be
received by Friday 17th December so please address this as soon as possible.
Again, if you need further information, please let us know.

Shane Hawkins

Mingara Fishing Club President

0414 209 168

2010 MFC Annual Presentation slide show

The slide show projected at the 2010 MFC Annual Presentation can be downloaded below, you may need a PowerPoint 2007 viewer if you don't have it installed on your PC:

2010 MFC Annual Presentation Slide Show

PowerPoint 2007 Viewer

New Members

We welcomed our latest members who joined us in September and October:

  • Helen Alderton
  • Hani Qamar
  • Bojan Hadzic


Robert 'Rambo' Kovacic
 6 March 1927 - 22 September 2010

The Mounties Fishing Club is deeply saddened by the passing of Rambo. We will cherish the memories of the times we spent together.

17 October 2010

Very windy. First off tried in close for some poor results. Conditions improved by 10 AM moved out to the 40's for catches of 3 flatheads, 17 leatherjacket, 13 morwies, 1 piggie, and 2 snapper. Biggest fish 1.38 kg sgt baker by V Canterella.

10 October 2010

Overall weather conditions were good, clear skies, good drift. Day resulted in catches of 2 flathead, 8 leatherjacket, 6 good sized morwong, 1 pigfish, 7 snapper & nurmerous 5 pointers. Biggest fish of the day 1.29 kg flathead caught by R Karlo. Highlight of the day nurmerous whale sightings which put on quite a spectacular show on for us. Good day out.

3 October 2010

Wet & windy conditions in the morning, started out in the 40's, as weather improved we moved out to the 60's for catches of 3 tiger flaties, 13 morwies, 2 snaper, 1 piggie, and 93 leatherjacket. Biggest fish for the day, 1.04 kg morwie by B Razmovski.

19 September 2010

Morning conditions good. went to 60's, hooked up and landed a few blue fin tuna, good sized. Fished in 60's all day for good catches of 191 leatherjacket, 3 tigers & 1 morwie. Biggest fish 0.86 kg leatherjacket by M Mifsud.

12 September 2010

11 fishos on board. Good day quiet morning but went to 60's and caught over 100 leatherjacket, some morwong and heaps of 5 pointers, biggest fish caught by R Calleja, morwong 1.23 kg.

Fish Club Presentation

Date: Saturday, 28 August, 2010
Location: Elizabeth Room
The subsidised cost of presentation is $20 per person, if you are attending this presentation and have not made your payment please try to do so on the presentation night, please present correct amount and be early to avoid delays. Thank you.


August 2010 Results

15 August 2010

10 fishos on board tried out in the 40 fathoms for some good catches of good sized morwies, current too strong to hold bottom. Moved in closer in the 30's for some good results. 22 morwies, 4 reddies, 2 piggies, and some 2 pointers. Biggest fish 1.74 kg morwie by B Razmovski.

8 August 2010

Fished North, perfect weather conditions however no drift. Day catch resulted in catches of 4 leatherjacket, 5 morwong, 8 pigfish, 5 snapper, 5 sweep, 7 maori wrasse & 5 sgt baker. Biggest fish of the day 1.46 kg stg baker caught by Paul Young.

1 August 2010

Very windy in the morning. Tried the 40 fathoms for some good catches. Current became too fast so we moved in close for 21 good size morwies, 12 piggies, 4 flatheads, 1 snapper & lots of 2 pointers. Biggest fish 1.18 kg morwie by H Tepesh.

July 2010 Results

18 July 2010

7 fishos in the 40's for catches of 21 morwies, 14 snapper, 4 piggies, and some 2 pointers. Biggest fish 1.3 kg morwie caught by Vince Canterella.

4 July 2010

With 7 fishos on board, we tried out wide with no results due to fast drift. came back in the 40 fathoms for catches of 20 small size leatherjacket, 12 morwies, 8 piggies, and 1 snapper. 3 fishos sick all day. BViggest fish 1.14 kg morwie caught by R Calleja

Annual General Meeting - 21 July 2010

The AGM was held at 8:10 PM on 21 July 2009.

The following members were elected to the Fishing Club Committee for 2010-2011 term:

Executive committee members

President: Maria Sechi
Vice President: Bill Razmovski
Secretary: Warren Rankin
Treasurer: Vi Lam
Non-executive committee members

Records Registrar: Col O'Rourke
Club Captain: Bill Razmovski
Publicity Officer: Paul Young
Sub Club Officers: Joe Ariti, Paul Burkardt, Maria Sechi.
New Members Coordinator: Stan Levanic

New member - July 2010

This month we welcomed Zbigniew Pierzykowski as our latest member.

New point scores system

At the MFC meeting on 21 July 2010, a new point scores system was unanimously adopted:

  • 2 pointers fish are now awarded 5 points
  • 7 pointers are now 10 pointers
  • 11 pointers are now 15 pointers
  • 17 pointers are now 20 pointers
  • Leatherjacket are now in 10 pointers group

I have just updated the club's points table, and have also taken this opportunity to revise the size and bag limit in this table. This table is updated using the information on the NSW Department of Primary Industries' website.

There have been substantial changes since this table was last edited, many species have their size limit increased. As the result this table is also substantially changed, I've added bag limit for species where the limit is less than 20.

The table is as listed below (click it to enlarge the image), you can also download a copy from


The fishing club wishes to express its sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of its past member Andrew Chorobski.

Angler fined $11,000 for illegal fish haul

12 Jun, 2010 09:43 AM

A day out fishing for elders in the Aboriginal community cost Adam Brady $11,000 in fines and costs.

He copped the fine for exceeding the daily limit for leatherjackets.

Mr Brady, who is passionate about balancing marine sustainability with preserving Aboriginal cultural links with fishing, expressed his disgust over the penalty in an appeal to Wollongong District Court yesterday.

"I made a mistake but this penalty is ridiculous and on my calculation I'll be paying if off until 2050 when I'm dead and gone," he told the court.

Mr Brady, 32, of Stanwell Park, was found guilty of the offence in April this year.

He had 101 fish in his possession. The limit is 20.

Brady fought the charge arguing the fish were a number of different species and that they were to be distributed among several sick elders.

But the Fisheries Department engaged a legal and scientific team to prove him wrong over the species issue and said there were no provisions under the Fisheries Management Act for an indigenous entitlement.

They charged him two days short of the two years allowable for prosecution, an issue which was strongly criticised by Judge Paul Conlon yesterday.

Mr Brady told the court that on the day he had been fishing for aunties who included high-profile elder the late Aunty Mary.

He said despite the fact he was unemployed, he worked voluntarily as an Australian Aerial Patrol director and had lobbied ministers including the now-deposed Ian Macdonald for a better deal for indigenous fishing rights.

Mr Brady said while he supported the work of Fisheries Department officers, he felt they had come down too hard on him in this case.

Judge Conlon halved the fine to $500 and halved the costs to $5000.

Outside the court, Mr Brady said that was still too high considering the offence.

He said the real issue was the feeling among the indigenous community that they had been locked out of a cultural pursuit even when the species - such as leatherjacket - was abundant.

"I've written at least 20 submissions to the Government on indigenous fishing access issues but we are still not even considered stakeholders in the debate," he said.

Source: The Illawarra Mercury

Resources: NSW Bag and size limits - saltwater

Results of 2009/2010 Fishing Club Championships

Club Champion: Rifit Hadzic

Runner Up: Guiseppe Ariti

Veteran Champion: Guiseppe Ariti

Runner Up: Stan Levanic

Under 55 Champion: Rifit Hadzic

Runner Up: Doug Harris

Female Champion: Maria Sechi

Junior Champion: Bradley Harris

Fish of the Month:

July 2009

M DJakovic

August 2009

S Cefai

Septermber 2009

G Mifsud

October 2009

R Hadzic

November 2009

R MacKenzie

December 2009

B Harris, H Tepesh

January 2010

R MacKenzie

February 2010

P Young

March 2010

P Young

April 2010

R Hadzic

May 2010

S Levanic

June 2010

I Mauro

Bag of the Month:

July 2009

M Camdzic

August 2009

B Razmovski

Septermber 2009

S Levanic

October 2009

R Hadzic

November 2009

G Ariti

December 2009

R Hadzic

January 2010

G Ariti

February 2010

R Hadzic

March 2010

R Hadzic

April 2010

R Hadzic

May 2010

H Tepesh

June 2010

R Hadzic

Fish of the Year:

R Hadzic – Flathead 1.94 kg

Top ten Fishos, best of 8 trip scores

R Hadzic


G Ariti


S Levanic


H Tepesh


B Razmovski


C O’Rourke


D Harris


M Camdzic


V Lam


S Cefai


June 2010 results

20 June 2010

With 6 fishos on board we headed out to the 60's. No leatherjackets, no fish. Came back to the 40's at 8:30 AM for some good catches of 16 morwies, 8 piggies, 15 reddies, 13 sgt bakers and 1 gemfish? Biggest fish 0.92 kg morwie caught by R Hadzic.

13 June 2010

Fished off the islands in the 40s - very cold but conditions good. Days catch resulted in 1 flathead, 7 morwie, 15 good sized snappers, 3 pigfish, 1 maori wrasse & 2 sgt baker. A good day out enjoyed by all. Paul Burkhardt hooked up a 2 metre shark but unlucky to land it. Biggest fish of the day 1.32 kg morwong caught by Ivan Mauro.

Recipe: Tetsuya Wakuda’s Leatherjacket marinated with ginger and soy

What to do with so many leatherjacket that you caught? try this recipe from the famous Japanese chef Tetsuya Wakuda.

Serves 4

  • 4 medium-sized whole leatherjackets (about 150g each), gutted with heads, tails and fins removed
  • 150ml soy sauce
  • 100ml mirin
  • 3 tbsp grated ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated
  • 2 pinches white pepper
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tsp white sugar
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • plain flour, for coating
  • grapeseed or vegetable oil for deep-frying (about 2 cups)
  • 2 limes and zest (optional), to serve


Chop each leatherjacket into four or five pieces. (Use a cleaver for best results and chop through the bone.)

Combine soy sauce, mirin, ginger, garlic, white pepper, salt, sugar and sesame oil in a small bowl and whisk until well combined. Pour marinade over fish pieces and toss to coat evenly. Cover and refrigerate for half an hour.

Remove fish from the marinade and toss in flour to coat evenly.

Heat oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat until hot, about 170-180C. Fry fish in batches until golden brown and cooked through.

Serve fish with lime wedges and a green salad and scatter over lime zest, if using.

Source: The Age

Mounties Fishing Club's website featured on the Internet

I'm pleased advise everyone this website was featured in 51 Deep Sea Fishing Blogs That Will Have You Reaching for Your Reel on the Boat Insurance website,

Further more, since this website was listed on the Mounties website late last year, traffic to this site has also increased, currently 40% of current traffic was referred by the mother club site.

May 2010 Results

New Members

This month we welcomed the following gentlemen as our latest members:

  • Wieslaw Pietak
  • Robert Calleja

Welcome to the club gentlemen, best wishes in the competition!

16 May 2010

Fished wide 60's for catches of 2 flatheads, 1 morwie, 1 sgt baker and 153 leatherjackets. Biggest fish S Levanic 1.04 kg leatherjacket.

2 May 2010

Fished out wide in the 60's difficult conditions due to current. catches of 2 tigers, 3 hussars, 1 morwie, and 135 leatherjackets. Biggest fish 1.01 kg flathead by J Molner

18 April 2010

Weather perfect headed out to 60's where jackets were on the bite straight away making a record catch of 463. Richard Karlo bagging 72. several bonitos caught on the troll as well as a dolphin fish, everyone that wanted to had a turn at trolling.

11 April 2010

10 fisho's went out for 9 leatherjacket, 6 morwies, 11 piggies, 1 snapper, 11 sweep, 1 butter picks. Biggest fish on the day caught by J Molner 1.23 kg morwie

4 April 2010

In the morning conditions a bit rough & wet. We headed out wide to the 2nd 60s for some good catches of leatherjacket, 221 in total. Biggest fish caught by R Hadzic 1.34 kg leatherjacket. Young Paul Burkardt continues to improve with every trip.

Latest Club Rules

The latest version of Mounties Fishing Club rules incorporate changes in the last few months with regard to the Arthur Spud Award, trip reservation for members who live too far from the club, as well as the trolling rules.

This version of can be downloaded here.

New Members

This month we welcomed the following gentlemen as our latest members:

  • George Lahlouh
  • Emir Berberovic
  • Jim McAvoy

Welcome to the club gentlemen, best wishes in the competition!

March 2010 Results

21 March 2010

Trevor was back on deck and gave us a good day fishing at the 70's. Catches included 139 leatherjacket, 22 nainygai, 2 flathead, and a couple of sgt bakers. A number of big strikes were experienced but we were either husterd off or had hooks straightened on us.

14 March 2010

Weather conditions were good however it was a challenging day for the fisho's with the current constantly changing & no drift. good catches of morwies, 9 in total (with 5 over 1 kg mark) 12 snappers (many more caught but undesized), and other 2 pointers. Biggest fish of the day 1.80 kg morwie caught by Paul Young.

7 March 2010

Headed out to the 6o's, current too fast, hard to fish bottom. managed to catch 1221 leatherjacket, 3 flatheads, 1 hussar, and a few 2 pointers. Paul Burkardt continues to improve. Biggest fish of the day a lousy 0.69 kg leatherjacket by B Razmovski

February 2010 Results

21 February 2010

Weather conditions very good for out wide fished in the 60s for good catches by all mainly, you guessed it, 217 leatherjackets, 1 flathead, 1 piggie. Biggest fish by Paul Young 1.38 kg leatherjacket. Most improved fisho Paul Burkhardt with a catch of 8.15 kg bag, congratulations Paul!

14 February 2010

Overcast sky, flat sea and little drift resulted in a good day fishing. Catches of 13 leatherjacket, 18 morwies, 11 pigfish, 2 snapper, 11 sweep, 2 trevally, 8 stg baker, and 2 pikes. Biggest fish of the day 1.24 kg morwong caught by Romeo Saez.

7 February 2010

Trip cancelled.

Mounties Fishing Club 2010 Presentation

This year's presentation is proposed to be on Saturday, 28th August 2010. Please make sure your calendar is free on this day.

More information regarding the venue and catering will be put forward at future meetings.

Photos from the 2009 Sub-Club presentations

January 2010 Results

17 January 2010

Headed out to the 40 fathoms fished there for 1 hour for no results, conditions improved so we headed out to the 60's for some good catches of 5 tiger flatties, 3 morwies, 1 jackass, and 133 chinaman leatherjackets. Biggest fish 0.87 kg leatherjacket by Col O'Rourke.

10 January 2010

Started the days fishing in the 50's however a southerly change saw us head in closer. Fished for catches of 3 flatheads, 14 leatherjackets, 4 morwies, 1 pgfish, 4 snappers, 1 guarnard, 1 trevally, and numerous 2 pointers. Biggest fish of the day 1.21 kg morwong caught by Ray McKenzie.

3rd January 2010

Conditions not the best, fished in close in 35 fathoms for some good catches. 2 flatties, 8 morwies, 6 piggies, 4 snappers, 70 sweeps, 6 mackelrells. Biggest fish 0.99 kg morwie by Mr Vi Lam.